At least one rate must be mapped for every channel room type on Sirvoy’s mapping page, typically a “standard rate,” which appears first in the rates list.

Tip: We recommend mapping room types with at least two rates, such as “standard” and “non-refundable.” This method provides increased flexibility. For example, you can close one while keeping the other open.

Each room type can have more than one rate, and there are advantages and disadvantages to mapping only some or mapping them all.

Mapping All Room Rates

Ideal for hotels with only a handful of rates for each room type or those who want fine-tuned control in Sirvoy over every room rate.


  • Complete control from within Sirvoy of all room rates.
  • Sirvoy will clearly show the rate of each booking. 


  • Each room type’s restrictions and prices need to be applied individually.

Mapping Some Room Rates

Best for hotels with many rates for each room type.


  • Automatic processes on the channel can control unmapped room rates for you.
  • Unmapped rates can inherit settings from a “parent” rate, such as restrictions, and adjust their price based on the parent. 


  • Less fine-tuned control. 
  • When an unmapped rate inherits settings from a “parent” rate, its settings are generally tied to the “parent.” For example, its availability will follow the parent’s availability. Additionally, the unmapped rate’s price can’t be directly controlled from Sirvoy, but can be adjusted on the channel.

Note: Unmapped room rates have unique behaviors. 

  • If a room type is closed for booking in Sirvoy, unmapped rates for that room type will still be bookable on the channel unless set to inherit restrictions from a mapped rate. 
  • When guests book an unmapped rate, the channel communicates the booking to Sirvoy, which classifies it as one of the mapped rates. 
    • For example, imagine you have set up two rates for one room type–an unmapped rate called “non-refundable” and a mapped rate called “standard.” If guests book the unmapped “non-refundable” rate, Sirvoy classifies that booking as the mapped “standard” rate. The booking uses the “non-refundable” price but uses the room type name from the “standard” rate. 
  • The price for unmapped rates is set on the channel, not Sirvoy, including possible rate relations with “parent” rates.